Featured Products

  • 8oz red eye light roast

    8oz - Red Eye Blend

    Light, Medium or Dark Roast
    Fresh Ground or Whole Bean

  • red eye light roast 1 lb / 16oz

    16oz/1 lb - Red Eye Blend

    Light, Medium or Dark Roast
    Fresh Ground or Whole Bean

  • 5lb red eye light roast

    5lb. - Red Eye Blend

    Light, Medium or Dark Roast
    Fresh Ground or Whole Bean

air roasted coffee beans

The Air-Roasted Difference

At Aviator Coffee all of our Premium Single-Origin, 100% Arabica Coffee Beans are air-roasted, meaning we use a unique roasting method, involving hot air being blown through the coffee beans. This method of roasting coffee is also sometimes referred to as "fluid bed roasting." One of the key benefits of air-roasting is that it can produce coffee with a more distinct and complex flavor profile.